Saturday, March 28, 2009

Jordan’s flag

I am from Jordan, which located in southwest Asia. My national flag rise on the tallest flagpole in the world. The Jordanian flag has three bands with different colors. On the top the band’s color is black, which is symbolizes the Abbasside Caliphate. In the middle there is white band, which is symbolizes Umayyad Caliphate. At the bottom, there is green band which symbolized Fatimid Caliphate. All of these bands are connected by a triangle which is red and it refers to Hashemite dynasty. In the middle of triangle there is a star with seven points. These points represent the first surah in the holy Quran, since it consists from seven verses. Also, some people believe that Amman, which is the capital of Jordan, was built over seven hills. The flag of my country is efficient in 16 April 1928. Up to now, the school in my country raises the flag every day with the national anthem.